Hydroelectric energy

VALOREM has been developing small hydro projects since 2016. Today, it operates 18 micro-hydropower plants in mainland France and the West Indies. The company is also developing numerous projects in France, notably in the Alps and the Pyrenees.

VALOREM supports you

VALOREM provides services related to sustainable hydropower, combining water uses, the natural environment and electricity generation from renewable sources. We operate over the hydro sector’s entire value chain; from development to operation and maintenance, to construction and compliance, on two project levels:

Hydropower plants: equipping existing thresholds, optimising plants and developing new projects

Renewable energy storage solutions

12 MW of VALOREM hydroelectric projects financed
28 MW of VALOREM hydroelectric projects under development

1 Historic energy to be modernised

Hydropower is the oldest source of renewable energy. Widely used in France, over 56% of electricity was derived from it in 1960. Today, it remains by far the number one RE in the world and represents over 20% of French electrical capacity. Hydroelectricity is an indispensable energy, since alone it can prevent some of the vulnerabilities of a power grid. it can meet peak demand and store energy naturally. Given that the proportion of renewable electricity in our electrical grid is currently increasing, our existing plants need to be modernised and optimised.

2 Energy that respects natural environments

Installations are designed to minimise their impact on natural environments, residents and the landscape (penstocks and cables laid underground, use of existing access roads that are integrated into the landscape, soundproofed plants, etc.). When the micro-plant is located on a high-risk waterway for migratory fish, devices are positioned at the water intake to migrate upstream and downstream.

Three good reasons to install a micro-hydropower plant

Do you own or manage one or more pieces of land?

Take advantage of economic benefits

Develop a parcel of your unused land

Take part in the production of green and local energy

To find out more about green energies

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Multi-energy skills

VALOREM develops multi-energy projects.