VALOREM Group raises over €550M to accelerate growth

The VALOREM Group, France’s longstanding independent renewable energy operator, announces the closing of a strategic financing operation worth over €550 million, marking a key stage in its development. This fund-raising will accelerate the deployment of new renewable energy production capacity in France and Europe.

The firm offer to raise €200m from a consortium comprising AIP Management and IDIA Capital Investissement, signed at the beginning of October, has now been finalised.

These two new partners join GSO and IRDI, already shareholders in the company, who are taking advantage of the transaction to renew their confidence, alongside Bpifrance via its France Investissement Energie Environnement 2 fund.

After 8 years alongside the 3i infra plc fund, which helped the VALOREM Group grow from 150 to over 900 MW of renewable energy assets, this new group of shareholders should enable the Group to continue its growth in Europe and successfully complete the over 7.5 GW of projects currently under development in its portfolio.