Offshore wind

Backed by extensive expertise in offshore operations and its strong track record in onshore development, VALOREM Group has been actively pursuing offshore wind projects in France and across Europe since October 2022.

Since 2014, VALOREM Group has been actively involved in the offshore wind market, both fixed and floating, to contribute to national and European targets for installed capacity:

  • 45GW in France by 2050
  • 111GW in Europe by 2030

With over 30 years of expertise in renewable energy project development, VALOREM leverages its technical expertise and unique way of co-constructing projects with local communities to forge strategic partnerships for the development of fixed and floating offshore wind projects in France and across Europe.

VALOREM and RWE, partners to respond to the AO7 call for tenders for the Sud-Atlantique offshore wind farm.

« Combining RWE’s technological expertise with VALOREM’s strong local presence, experience, and territorial know-how. »

Learn more about the partnership

Our strengths, our added value

Project development

Local value creation

  • Local stakeholders and community engagement
  • Local supply chain and SME integration
  • Social and professional reintegration
  • Crowdlending

Environment and biodiversity

  • Data collection and analysis
  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) management
  • ARC-SA (Avoid, Reduce, Compensate – Monitor, Support) measures

Securing and executing environmental and grid connection permits

Engineering & Execution

Engineering, costing and planning

  • Site assessment and layout optimisation
  • Electrical studies
  • Technology and component selection (including wind turbines)
  • Execution plans and delivery scenarios
  • Operation and maintenance engineering with VALEMO

Floating offshore wind

Commercial management

Project strategy and offtake

  • Bidding and tendering
  • Innovative project financing
  • Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
  • Electricity market price analysis
  • Grid integration services (Power-to-X, storage, etc.)

Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

10 years of offshore wind experience through VALEMO

  • Floating LiDAR installation and operation
  • Project commissioning
  • Asset management and operating expenses (OPEX) optimisation

Proven expertise

VALOREM Group has been active in offshore wind since 2014, notably through its engineering offices and its Operations & Maintenance subsidiary VALEMO. Over the years, the group has built strong references across various fields and technologies, including:


• Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm (GE Vernova): Quality inspections, commissioning, and maintenance of the farm’s 80 wind turbines.

• Borkum Riffgrund II offshore wind farm (Ørsted): Offshore wind turbine blade audits.


• Provence Grand Large pilot farm (SBM Offshore / EDF Renewables), Floatgen (BW Ideol), France-Atlantique Project (EOLINK): Operations & maintenance engineering, development of maintenance strategies and OPEX estimation, support in wind turbine selection, assembly, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of floating demonstrators.


• Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm (RES / Iberdrola): Preventive and corrective maintenance of all electrical substation equipment.

• Saint-Nazaire (GE Vernova), Fécamp (EDF Renewables) and Courseulles-sur-Mer (Chantiers de l’Atlantique) offshore wind farms: Management and technical support for the maintenance of the wind farms’ electrical substations.


• AKROCEAN, Accurasea, Fécamp offshore wind farm (EDF Renewables): Commissioning, offshore deployment, operation, maintenance, 24/7/365 supervision, support for Carbon Trust Type 2 certification, and participation in R&D projects for measurement optimization.

• Fécamp offshore wind farm (EDF Renewables): Instrumentation, commissioning, and maintenance of the met mast.


• Open-C Foundation (SEENEOH, SEM-REV, etc.): Consulting and maintenance solutions for Open-C Foundation’s test sites dedicated to floating wind and marine renewable energy (MRE).

• Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux: Study of tidal energy potential in the Garonne River.


• Haliade-X 12 MW (GE Renewable Energy): Supervision of environmental studies, permitting process, and liaison with public authorities.

• Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm (Smulders): Engineering, installation, and commissioning of the bat monitoring system.

• Nantes Métropole: Literature review on environmental conditions and identification of potential sites for a prototype utilizing tidal energy.

Meet Nicolas HARDOUIN, Offshore Wind Maintenance Technician at VALEMO
