Sainte Rose hybrid wind farm
- Anti-cyclonic device
- Smart management system
- 10% more renewable energy

The farm
Launched in 2011 in consultation with municipal representatives of Sainte-Rose, this project was the subject of a feasibility study to determine the characteristics of the farm. This study, conducted by independent experts, consisted of a very precise evaluation of the site, taking into account its physical, natural, landscape and human environment. After several years of administrative instructions, the project was given the necessary authorisations. The investment necessary for its construction exceeded 50 million euros and would take almost 2 years to complete. Wind turbines began feeding electricity into the local grid in November 2018. The farm was inaugurated in January 2019 with municipal representatives, state services representatives, various partners who contributed to its development and local residents all in attendance.
Principal stakeholders
Owner of the Sainte-Rose wind farm, Sainte-Rose Energies, has the following companies as stakeholders: the green energy operator VALOREM (65%), Banque de Territoires (Groupe Caisse des Dépôts) (30%), and SEML Guadeloupe EnR (5%)


1 Storing wind energy to balance the local power grid
Sainte-Rose’s hybrid wind farm meets the specificities of Guadeloupe’s electrical grid. The island operates on an ‘isolated’ network where the balance between production and consumption must be maintained at all times, a real challenge for a network that is not interconnected. In order to integrate the energy produced by wind turbines without disrupting the grid, the supplier undertakes to provide the network manager with the production profile overnight on a daily basis, and then to comply with it on the same day. The network manager relies for this on new technologies for forecasting production, storage and energy management.

2 An anti-cyclonic device ensures continuity of the wind turbine orientation system
The blades and the nacelle of a wind turbine always the wind thanks to a computer-controlled motor, specific to each wind turbine.
In the event that the network becomes disconnected, which is common during cyclones, an electric generator is activated: the wind turbine can remain powered and continue to orient its blades and nacelle. It thus reduces its mechanical loads and can withstand strong winds. Standing at a height of 123 m at the tip of a blade, these non-folding wind turbines are the first to be installed in the French West Indies.