Wind energy

Wind: a clean engine for your host localities
At a time when economic activity is petering out in rural areas, taking public services with it, renewable energies such as wind power represent hope for the future of these host localities. Wind farms arms generate a direct financial impact that can help revitalising economic activity and support the agricultural sector. Wind energy can be a lever for local and sustainable development by involving people and elected stakeholders in developing the resources of their own localities.

Concerted development in tune with the environment
A successful wind farm is a park that residents can be proud of. We advocate involving the public in developing wind energy to encourage them to take ownership of the project and shape it according to the requirements of their locality. We also attach great importance to the park’s welcoming environment. Sites with very high ecological stakes are systematically excluded from our development areas. We therefore monitor biodiversity development very carefully, both during the park’s construction stage and throughout its lifetime.
Sainte-Rose hybrid wind farm

Lumière sur SAINTE-ROSE hybrid wind farm
The Sainte-Rose wind farm is located in Guadeloupe, and was commissioned in 2020. It consists of eight wind turbines, producing 33 GWh/year. It can store 5.3 MWh of energy, enough to power 17,000 four-person homes. The best things about the park: it is creating energy autonomy for the island territories of Overseas France. The Sainte-Rose wind farm is equipped with a smart production/storage management system and a high-pressure system.
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